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 3 on 3 Tournament Highlights

3v3 tournament details; designed for players Elementary-HS

 3 on 3 Tournaments Rules & Benefits

Benefits of playing 3 vs. 3

  • Players will have more court space to execute (basket cuts, driving lanes, etc.)

  • Players will get more touches on the ball; more opportunities to score.

  • Players learn to develop their overall game compared to playing 5 on 5.

  • Players learn the basic movements (pick & roll, down screen, dribble hand off, backscreen, slips, backdoor cuts, weave, etc.) that are essential in learning how to play the game of basketball.

  • It forces players to play better individual defense & help defense; how to fight over screens.

  • Less pressure on youth players who are learning how to play.  

  • Teaches players how to make quicker decisions by playing faster


3 on 3 Tournament Rules & Expectations


Thank you for participating in our 3 on 3 tournament! We are excited to host you and look forward to working with you soon. Please share this information with your team(s) so everyone is understands & complies.

Inappropriate language or behavior directed at players, coaches, or officials will not be tolerated. Only one warning will be given. If another incident reoccurs, the player or adult will be asked to leave the premises of the gym. Your help is needed to make this a positive and memorable event. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!



•There will be a $10 fee at the door for anyone not playing in the tournament. Children 5 and under may enter free of charge.

•All events are 1-day events.

•Players will be placed on teams.

•Players MUST only play on 1 team per division.

•All fees must be paid before playing in the tournament.



•Each team will have up to 5 players on a roster.

•All games may start and be completed with any number of players (3,2,1).

•Both teams will have (5) minutes to warm up before the game.

•Please arrive (15) minutes before your scheduled game time.

•Team captains will meet the referee to do a coin toss to see who receives possession of the ball to start.

•If the game goes into overtime, (1) minute will be put on the clock.



•There will be (1) official on the court working the baseline.

•Please be respectful to our officials. Their calls are final and may not be visited or reviewed.

•If a player receives a technical foul at any time, that player is ejected from the game. This player will be able to play the next game but may not return to the previous game they received the technical foul.

•A technical foul is any vulgarity or verbally abusive behavior. Any foul deemed to hurt or injure a player.

•If a punch is thrown, the player will be disqualified from the tournament and may not return.


Game Rules:

1.) We will play speed ball! This means we will NOT shoot free throws until the last minute of the game or if there is an AND 1. If it’s a foul on a shooting foul in front of the three-point line, it will be worth 1 point. If the foul is behind the three-point shot, it is worth 2 points. If it is a loose ball foul or out of bounds, there will be a check ball at top of the key.

2.)If a player is fouled and makes the basket, they will have the opportunity to shoot (1) free throw for the extra point. No players will line up at the blocks; the shooter will shoot by themselves. Make or miss offense will receive the ball back after the shot.

3.)Players MUST PASS the ball into play, players may NOT dribble after the checked ball until the ball has been passed in.

4.)Each game will be played to (15) for Elementary/Middle School & (21) for High School) or whoever is winning after 15 minutes; whichever comes first. If there is a tie at the end of 15 minutes, there will be a sudden death. There will be another coin toss for possession and the first team to score will win the game.

5.)Jump balls will go with the possession arrow.

6.)The clock will stop in the last minute of the game.

7.)Each team will have (2) one minute time outs per game. If the game goes into sudden death, teams will receive another (1) minute time out.

8.)The ball must be taken back (cleared) past the (3-point line) on every change of possession. Both feet and the ball must clear the (3-point line).

9.)After the ball is scored, the scoring team will go to defense. The ball does not have to be checked up top but must be cleared past the (3-point line) before put into play. The defense (team that just scored) may steal the ball that team must clear the ball before a made basket.

10.)If a player is fouled on a shot, it counts as a point; that team will get the ball back. If a player is fouled on a (3) it is worth (2) points and receive the ball back.

11.)If a player is fouled on a shot and makes the basket, they will get the chance to shoot (1) free throw before getting the ball back for a check ball.

12.)Fouls on (3) pointers during the last minute of the game will result in (2) free throws.

13.)If it is game point and a player is fouled on a shot and miss, they will not be given the point that would end the game. The player who was fouled must shoot a free throw to win the game. If the free throw is missed, the team who was fouled will receive the ball back and must score their final point to win.

14.)Fouls on shots inside of the (3) point line in the last minute of the game will result in (1) free throw. Players will line up starting at the blocks.

15.)Off ball fouls or non-shooting fouls will result in a check ball up to the top of the key.

Please feel free to text, call, or email me should you have any questions at all! We look forward to you having a fun, competitive, and safe environment with us!


Coach Dwayne Williams

(504) 214-1472

Tournament Director

3v3 basketball provides major benefits to help developing players

3v3 Tournament Dates
July 20, 2024 "Fireworks Show"
August  31, 2024 "Back To School Classic"
September 28, 2024 "Fall Ball Hoops"
October 26, 2024 "All-American Classic II"
November 23, 2024 "Thanksgiving Shootout"
December 14, 2024 "Holiday Extravaganza"

Note: Schedules & Game Times will be emailed Thursday Night before the Tournament Date.

Grade Divisions & Game Times

4th-6th Grade: 11am, 11:20am, & 11:40am

Middle School: 12pm, 12:20pm, & 12:40pm

High School: 12pm, 12:20pm, & 12:40pm




Questions & Answers for 3v3 Tournaments


Will players have jerseys to wear for games?

Yes, all players will be given a custom jersey to wear, and must be returned after the last game.


How many games will my child play and how long?

Each player/team will play 3 games; 15 minute games with 5 minute break in between games.


Can I request for my child to be on a team with another players? Yes, players/parents can request for their child to be on a team with other players. If no request, players will be placed on teams of 3-5 players.


Will a game schedule be sent out to parents?

Yes, game schedules will be sent out to parents by Thursday evening.


What are the game times?

(4th-6th) Games: 11am-12pm), (MS Games: 12pm-1pm), & (HS Games: 12pm-1pm) *Game Times are subject to change, but will announced ahead of time to all players/parents.)


Is there an entrance fee?

Yes, the entrance fee is $10 for adults, $5 for 12 & under, & kids 5 & under are free admission. (Cash, Zelle, & Cash App)


Will 1st place teams be recognized?

Yes, 1st place winners will have their picture taken & given customized 3v3 Championship medals.


Can my child participate if he is a beginner/intermediate skilled player? Yes, we welcome all players regardless of skill level. Players will be placed on teams where skill level is balanced.


Will the games be officiated?

Yes, all games will be officiated with a referee at each end of the court.

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